Keyboard details

  • Intuitive
    Since Unicode encodes each Persian letter as two characters (bytes), you will have to type two keys for each letter, but this is simple and—for most letters—quite fast. For example, to type z@ban e farsi زبان فارسی you simply press the following keys:

    zZbBaAnN fFaArRsSiI

    Note that Unicode is always typed left-to-right. What you will see on the screen as you type is the incomprehensible string of symbols


    But never fear! This will eventually give the correct result: this is exactly how we typed the Persian phrase زبان فارسی in the first paragraph (and in this one, of course).

    What about something slightly harder, such as Z@bT e Sout ضبط صوت ?

    Even this isn't too difficult. Just press these keys:

    z^zbBt^t s^suUtT ,

    where " ^ " indicates that you must hold down the AltGr key on the right of the space-bar while you type the following letter.

  • Phonetic
    To make input as phonetic as possible, Vav و may be typed as either uU or vV. Similarly, He is either hH or eE, so that h@ste هسته and varune وارونه can be typed

    hHsStTeE, vVaArRuUnNeE

  • Advanced spelling
    Input of other orthographic signs is straightforward: eg n^n for Tanvin تنوين and '@ and similar spellings for the various forms of h@mze همزه. So ro'@sa رؤسا and fe`l@n\ فعلاً are typed as follows:

    rR'osSaA, fF'`lLaAn^n .

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