RusScript typing example


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The following extract from Nabokov's 1930 novel Защита Лужина (The Defence) illustrates both normal and abbreviated RusScript input. The passage is also presented in the translation by Michael Scammell in collaboration with the author.
Original text
Даже единственный тихоня в классе (какой бывает в каждом классе, как бывает непременно толстяк, силач, остряк) сторонился его, боясь разделить его презренное положение. Этот же тихоня ... стараясь вспомнить (в двадцатых годах сего века), каким был в школе Лужин, не мог себе его представить иначе, как со спины, то сидящего перед ним в классе, с растопыренными ушами, то уходящего в конец залы, подальше от шума, то уезжающего домой на исвозчике, - руки в карманах, большой пегий ранец на спине, валит снег ... Он старался забежать вперед, заглянуть ему в лицо, но тот особый снег забвения, снег безмолвный и обильный, сплошной белой мутью застилал воспоминание.

© Vladimir Nabokov 1930

Normal input
(These are the keys you would type: what you would see on the screen is the Russian text.)
Daje edinstvennyy tixonq v klasse (kakoy byvaet v kajdom klasse, kak byvaet nepremenno tolstqk, silac, ostrqk) storonilsq ego, boqs; razdelit; ego prezrennoe polojenie. Etot je tixonq ... staraqs; vspomnit; (v dvadccatyx godax sego veka), kakim byl v wkole Lujin, ne mog sebe ego predstavit; inace, kak so spiny, to sidqwwego pered nim v klasse, s rastopyrennymi uwami, to uxodqwwego v konecc zaly, podal;we ot wuma, to uezjahwwego domoy na isvozcike, - ruki v karmanax, bol;woy pegiy ranecc na spine, valit sneg ... On staralsq zabejat; vpered, zaglqnut; emu v licco, no tot osobyy sneg zabveniq, sneg bezmolvnyy i obil;nyy, splownoy beloy mut;h zastilal vospominanie.

Abbreviated (speed-typing) input
(These are the keys you would type: what you would see on the screen is the Russian text.)
Daje edinstvennyy tixonq v klasse (kakoo byvaet v kajdom klasse, kak byvaet nepremenno tolstqk, silac, ostrqk) storoniL g, boqss razdelitt g prezrennoe polojenie. Etot je tixonq ... staraass vspomnitt (v dvaCyx godax sego veka), kakim bb v wkole Lujin, ne mog sb g predstavitt inace, kak so spiny, to sidQG pered nim v klasse, s rastopyrennY uwJ, to uxodQG v konecc zaly, podallwe ot wuma, to uezjaHG domoo na isvozcike, - ruki v karmanax, bollwoo pegyy ranecc na spine, valit sneg ... On staraL zabejatt vpered, zaglqnutt m v licco, no tot osobyy sneg zabveniq, sneg bezmolvnyy i obillnyy, splownoo beloo mut;h zastilal vospominanie.

Even the sole quiet boy in the class (the sort there is in every class, just as there are invariably a fat boy, a strong boy and a wit) steered clear of him, afraid of sharing his despicable condition. This same quiet boy ... when trying to recall (in the twenties of the present century) what Luzhin had been like in school, could not visualize him otherwise than from the rear, either sitting in front of him in class with protruding ears, or else receding to one end of the hall as far away as possible from the hubbub, or else departing for home in a sleigh cab - hands in pockets, a large piebald satchel on his back, snow falling ... He tried to run ahead and look at Luzhin's face, but that special snow of oblivion, abundant and soundless snow, covered his recollection with an opaque white mist.

© Vladimir Nabokov 1964 Free trial period now available

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