PerScript: how to order

[Please note that this program is not the same as our Microsoft Word phonetic add-in PersePhon]

PerScript includes the following features:
  • unlimited text length
  • offline typing and editing
  • phonetic input method (in Windows XP/2000 can be copied and pasted into Word)
  • [optional] Web authoring tools: line-by-line Latin transliteration incorporated in your HTML code. A typical line in the HTML would look like this:
         <!--  bn.i    ad.m    @`.Z.a ye   yk.d.i.g.r.n.d -->  
              بنی  آدم  اعضای  يكديگرند

    Since the transliteration is enclosed in <!-- comment tags --> it remains "invisible" to web browsers, which will simply display the Persian text:

    بنی آدم اعضای يكديگرند

Important: before ordering, please check that your browser displays the words Iran and zohr correctly: ايران، ظهر . The program will work only if you can see these words displayed correctly.

This software is priced at £26 ($49 / €39 at current rates).

Order now online through the secure server at to receive your own copy of the program.

No need to wait for a CD! As soon as your order is processed we will send you the software in compressed (.zip) format as an e-mail attachment.

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